Here's a secret. Two years ago, I couldn't create a repeating pattern. And to be honest, I didn't even know that Surface Pattern Design was a thing – let alone that I could have a career creating patterns. And at that time, I never had even considered that I could be a successful...
This month we're covering art licensing. I'm excited to welcome our special guest, Stacie Dale of Surface Design News, to Multi Color Minds next week.
- How to find and select companies that are a good fit with your signature style
- Where to spend your time pitching
- ...
I'm so excited to be a part of this video featuring 60 artists and designers sharing how they make income from their artwork.
Bonnie Christine has invited me to be a part of the 60x60 project. This is where 60 artists tell you how they make income from their art. You'd be surprised at how you can...
Hey everyone!
I'm moving the blog to Multi Color Minds – my membership for creative entrepreneurs to level up their design and branding skills.
I'm Xhico. I'm an artist and designer who has worked since the late 80s. I specialize in branding and surface pattern design and work as...