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Create a Color Palette from a Photograph using Coolors — Video

color tutorial video Jan 06, 2023

As you know, I love the Coolors app and website for creating color palettes from scratch – watch how I do that here. 

Another way I like to use Coolors is to create color palettes from photographs.

Create a Color Palette from a Photograph

In this video, I'll show you how I use the Coolors app on my iPhone to take a picture and extract a color palette. You'll have so much fun with this! You will be making color palettes for days. So choose some photos and start making your palettes today.

I hope you enjoyed this video tutorial on using Coolors to generate color palettes. If you still have questions, leave them in the comments below.

Learn how to make color palettes from scratch with Coolors.

For more design tutorials on video, check out my YouTube.